Saturday, August 16, 2008

August 16, 2008 - Day 56

Well, I had my appointment with Dr. G today. (His real name is Dr. Galipalli and he and his staff are awesome! ) It went pretty good. He took special pictures of my tummy today. Yeah, and dropped the bomb - I am having three little babies!!! Here's a pic of the babes. It's kind of hard to tell so my mommy marked where the heads are on this photo.

It's kind of hard to make out the picture but trust me - I knew there were more than two with all that movement in there!!!

After my appointment mommy took me to Chik-fil-A and got me a treat. Not a human treat - a dog treat. Here is a pic of me enjoying the treat.

So, stay tuned. Babies should be arriving in the next 7 to 10 days!

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