Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Birthday! One Week Old

I am so grateful that the first week has been uneventful. The only real problems I have run into are keeping the boys away from the pups. Oh and the pugs from my food! I am getting so good at being mean - grrrr. hehe

So, the big weigh in today:

The girl - weighed 4.75 oz one week ago - today she weighs 8.9 oz!

The boy with the most white - weighed 4.9 oz one week ago - today he weighs 9.5 oz!

The boy with the least white - weighed 4.75 oz one week ago - today he weighs 8.5 oz!

I've started working with the pups to get them well trained. The girl learned to high five. Here she is demonstrating her new talent:


Jennifer said...

Wow! That is insane how fast those pups grow. I had no idea!

Keturah Miller said...

Que bueno chihuahuas chicas. So glad to see your sweet additions. Junior is proud to see some of his kind getting the praise they deserve.